Design Your Career Roadmap

Coaching Program

Ready to design the next chapter of your career? Good! You have come to the right place.

In this 1:1 career coaching program, you will not only be taught all of the practical skills and tools you need to succeed in your job search, but you will also uncover any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back. Get clarity on what really gives you purpose and meaning, so you can confidently design and pursue a career you deserve!

This program is for you if:

You're ready to design a career that you actually like

You know what you want, but you have no idea how to get it

You want to get "unstuck" & feel confident about your value

Program Overview

The Design Your Career Roadmap coaching sessions take a very tailored client approach over a 5-month period.

The program modules that will be covered are as follows:

Your Why

Identify your core values, core strengths, and get clear on your ultimate career goals that will serve the life you really want

Identifying Limiting Beliefs

Work through what has been holding you back


Your experience and transferable skills in a way that is engaging and compelling, so you can talk about yourself with confidence

Interview Practice & Salary Negotiation

Strategies, feedback and guidance

Customized Job Search Plan

Organization tips and tools to keep you focused and on track

The Materials

Guidance on how to craft a tailored resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile for a meaningful job that makes you happy

Networking Strategies

Help you find new ways to network that feel genuine and not “fake”

Here’s what you’ll get from this experience:

  • 10 x Private 1:1 60-Minute Deep Dive Coaching Call covering all key career strategies and tools based on your unique goals, including job search strategy, personal brand, elevator pitch, interview practice, networking, resume and linkedin review and salary negotiation (value $2,500)

  • Private 1:1 90-minute Discovery Intake call to Find Your Why and your Values, and establish your career goals (value $375)

  • Email support between sessions (value $1,500)

  • BONUS (value $447) 2 rounds of revisions for your resume & LinkedIn profile

  • BONUS (value $125) 5 months membership to my Job Search Support Group

  • BONUS (value $300) 3 15-minute power-coaching sessions

The time commitment is 11 live virtual coaching sessions spread out over a 5-month period

Total Value = $5,247

Regular Price = $3,800

Your Investment = $2,800

A payment plan is also available for $660/month for 5 months

Design Your Career Roadmap
One time
For 5 months

  • Carrie is amazing! These sessions are more than career coaching sessions. This is career therapy!

    Alex K.

  • Because of the work I’ve done with Carrie I have a clear sense of my values and where I want to go in my career.

    Hilary S.

  • About three months after we started working together, I was hired as a consultant to do the type of job I described in my initial assessment.

    Y. S., Media and Technology executive

  • I had no idea that my entire life would transform. Over the past ten months working with Carrie, I have grown more fully into myself than I ever imagined was possible.


  • Carrie has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth.

    Amanda S.

  • Carrie is a dedicated and focused coach. She doesn’t focus on a single aspect but instead sees the big picture. She knows personal and professional are linked and that real change and forward momentum requires a fully fledged solution.

    M&A Consultant