Kind Words

"Carrie is amazing! These sessions are more than career coaching sessions. This is career therapy! I enjoyed the holistic approach to coaching that made me look at my life and my work from a little different perspective. Carrie is compassionate and gentle yet firm when it comes to more pragmatic parts of job search (ex., salary negotiation). There was a right balance between reflection/big picture work and searching/applying/updating resume. It made the job search much more enjoyable! Lastly, I would love to add that the sessions gave me the right toolset that I can use in the future by myself. Carrie didn't write resumes for me; instead, she taught me the skill. I think this is important!"

-Alex K.

“Working with Carrie has been extremely helpful in both navigating the steps needed to prepare myself for a career shift and boosting my confidence in regards to the skills I have under my belt and their applicability to a new role. Her guidance on an intimidating process was fantastic and I could not have done it without her.”

-Jeremy, Senior Manager

“Carrie is a tremendously thoughtful, supportive and encouraging coach. She fills each coaching session with relevant, thought-provoking questions, while always making room for my responses as well as my questions. When I first began meeting with Carrie, I was completely lost in terms of my next career move, and feeling both anxious and down about the lack of direction. Because of the work I’ve done with Carrie I have a clear sense of my values and where I want to go in my career, and in many respects I’ve traded the anxiety for optimism. Also, Carrie listened and helped me through my worst moments during the pandemic, demonstrating that she is so much more than a career coach. I’m grateful for what I’ve gained from our work together and would thoroughly recommend her.”

-Hilary S.

“Before I started working with Carrie, I wasn’t sure how much a life coach could help me. I had a few vague ideas about achieving a goal in my career and to become less of a procrastinator, but I had no idea that my entire life would transform. Over the past ten months working with Carrie, I have grown more fully into myself than I ever imagined was possible. I feel confident, empowered, and strong. It has been really hard work to get here, but I feel that I have learned some really powerful techniques to conquer my inner-saboteurs and to examine the things in my life that are meaningful to me. As a life coach, Carrie is supportive, challenging, and is so instinctive about what I need in order to move forward. I am so thankful that I decided to work with Carrie, for she has helped me grow into myself.”


“Carrie has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth since we started working together just a few months back. She’s extremely easy to work with, uplifting, and supportive in all my endeavors and even offers great ideas to lend of her own. I love the thoughtful homework she provides after each session to help me continue on my work between sessions. I have also compiled endless pages of written resources, creative phrases, work with my saboteurs and quotes that are timeless and will continue to help me for years to come! I am grateful for Carrie and all I’ve achieved and couldn’t have done any of it without her.”

-Amanda S.

“Carrie is a dedicated and focused coach. She doesn't focus on a single aspect but instead sees the big picture. She knows personal and professional are linked and that real change and forward momentum requires a fully fledged solution. She doesn't waste your time or hers with treating symptoms. She gets to the crux of the problem and moves outwards from there. Highly recommend working with her.”

-M&A Consultant, MBA

“Carrie has had a remarkable impact on my professional career this past year. She first went through a thorough assessment of my successes, interests, and challenges to build a solid foundation of personal and professional self-awareness.  We explored the various dimensions of my professional universe; skills, areas of improvement, network, and financial needs to refocus my search. Carrie helped me articulate what I could bring to corporations and leverage my network in more innovative ways. Carrie is a driven coach who makes sure your personality's various components are rising to meet your future objectives. She gives personal and professional homework after each session, and these are often challenging your mind and comfort zone.

About three months after we started working together, I was hired as a consultant to do the type of job I described in my initial assessment. The consulting project became a full-time executive position a few months later.”

-Y. S., Media and Technology executive