Hi, I’m Carrie and I’m a personal and career coach, certified in the Co-Active Coaching methodology. I offer a personalized, warm, compassionate partnership with you to uncover and empower your most authentic and fulfilling version of yourself.

What I offer you:

It is my belief that each one of us has a life journey as unique as our fingerprints, but that often we learn to hide parts of ourselves away at a young age, because we want to fit in and feel like we belong. As adults this repression of our truest versions of ourselves results in a lack of self-trust and can manifest in a variety of ways that inhibit our ability to thrive, such as; self-doubt, imposter syndrome, feeling lost in your career, an inability to follow through on behavioral changes, staying in unfulfilling relationships, negative self-talk, and anxiety. My role as your coach is to be your trusted confidante close at your side, who empowers you to stay honest and courageous as we explore the inner terrain of your psyche and untangle the beliefs and patterns that have been keeping you stuck. Together we will realign your life with your core values and authentic self.

So, whatever it is that brought you to look into coaching - whether it's a career transition, a relationship transition, to change habits or behaviors that no longer serve you, or to explore that inner nagging sensation that something is missing in your life - I would love to hear from you.

Why I became a coach:

As a fellow human-being, I know how challenging it is to do the “work” of looking at your life, your beliefs and your behavioral patterns from a very honest perspective, and also how much of a gift it is to be truly seen and validated by compassionate and caring professionals. Having done this work myself, I can attest to how it has helped me both overcome my own inner critic and strengthen my intuition. 

I have personally successfully changed careers four times. When I found coaching, I knew I had finally found my life’s purpose. I love people and my empathetic nature has always allowed me to see the core essence and greatest potential in each person I meet. There is nothing more deeply satisfying to me than to give the gift of truly “seeing” someone, because I know how rare of an experience it can be in our modern, fast-paced world. Accompanying and witnessing people as they go through the transformative journey of rediscovering their unique strengths, gifts and talents, and learning how to compassionately accept and trust themselves, is an absolute privilege and honor.

Aside from being a coach I am…

An adoptee, ENFJ, empath, and a highly sensitive person (HSP). I have lost parents and other very close family members and personally understand how grief is non-linear and doesn’t adhere to a timeline. I have also been lost in my own career, and have gone through the process of finding the courage to leave a job that was safe, yet deeply unfulfilling, in order to pursue my dream.

What working with me looks like:

Our work together will be explorative, creative and collaborative. I will act as a mirror for you to see yourself clearly and courageously as you work to identify your core values and your higher self, as well as your inner critic. We will hone in on what “lights you up,” and uncover your passion, joy and creativity. Learning to compassionately acknowledge these different parts of yourself will be integral to our work together. 

I do not pretend to have all of the answers, but I will always do my best to make you feel “felt.” There is no wrong way to feel, and it is my goal to create a safe container for you to feel everything, especially what is hard. Those difficult emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, grief and anxiety are universal and so human. No one should ever have to feel ashamed of experiencing them, and so I hold space to allow you to explore what has been buried and needs to come out so you can heal and move forward with your life’s purpose.

My Approach:

I coach with every compassionate, empathetic fiber of my being. I encourage you to show up as you really are - no “masks.” Honesty builds trust, and trust is the foundation of our work together. Our time together is a sacred space to lay everything down - fear, rage, joy, confusion, hope and sadness. Allowing your emotions freedom to move through you is the key to unlocking your creative energy again. You have a life with responsibilities and relationships that you have to undoubtedly be strong for and keep it together, but with me you can be the REAL you, in all of your messy, unfiltered glory. Together we will meet and get to know all of the different components of your psyche; the parts of you that keep you small and stuck, as well as the parts of you who lift you up and help you embody your best self. Think of me as your collaborative guide as you embark on a journey of learning about yourself in the deepest way possible.

My approach incorporates a blend of theories, practices and frameworks, such as: Co-Active coaching, mindfulness, breath work, emotional processing, inner child work, shadow work, visualization techniques, inner family systems and value mining.

Why hiring me as your coach is different…

I help you use ALL of your previous life and career experiences to create a path forward that aligns with who you are and lights you up

I include space for ALL of you in our coaching sessions, because I believe your personal life and your past experiences affect your work life, and your work life affects your overall well-being, and WHOLE self

I’ll help you craft your professional story and see your unique skills and strengths in a way that fills you with confidence and authenticity

I help clients process and work towards healing difficult human experiences like burnout and grief

I help you reframe old self-beliefs that are no longer serving you, by helping you learn to challenge them with self-compassion, and to develop the ability to see what IS possible