Fast-track Career Sessions

Choose the support that you need!

Need something specific to help you with your job search?

Get all the benefits of individual coaching instantly by booking the job search topic that will get you the results you’re looking for

Job Search Strategy


  • Intake form

  • 2 60-minute sessions

  • 2 follow-up emails

  • Custom recommendations


Resume & LinkedIn Revamp


  • Intake form

  • 2 45-minute sessions

  • 2 rounds of edits each

  • Custom recommendations


Craft Your Elevator Pitch


  • Intake form

  • 1 60-minute session

  • Follow-up email

  • Custom recommendations


Mock Interview Practice


  • Intake form

  • 2 45-minute zoom practice sessions

  • Follow-up email

  • Custom recommendations


Networking Strategy


  • Intake form

  • 1 60-minute session

  • Follow-up email

  • Custom tools and resources


Salary Negotiation


  • Intake form

  • 1 60-minute session

  • Follow-up email

  • Custom recommendations


Still unsure? Book a Power Hour with me

Power-Hour Coaching Session

Feeling stuck? My Power-Hour Coaching Session is here to help you understand obstacles and find the clarity you need to move forward.

In this session, we’ll sit down together and dig into what’s holding you back, and what you really want from your career. We’ll have a candid discussion to help you figure out your next steps and get a fresh perspective on your goals.

This session is perfect if you need to gain clarity on your career direction, identify challenges, or just get a boost of inspiration. By the end, you’ll feel more focused and ready to take on your next steps.

Book your Power-Hour Session now and start finding your way to a more fulfilling career!


  • Intake form

  • 1 60-minute session

  • Follow-up email with custom resources


Available for first time clients only