When I first started working with a coach I didn’t really know what to expect, but I knew I needed help. My thoughts were on a constant loop of feeling stuck and helpless. And my saboteurs wanted to keep me there, skeptically asking, how is a coach going to help me leave my miserable job and embark on a new (and very uncertain) career path?

I had never done anything quite like this before, and the smaller attempts to find career fulfillment had ended fruitlessly in the past, so I was feeling really beaten down and unconfident.

Somehow I managed to overcome my saboteur voices long enough to book my first sample coaching session.

In that initial call, my coach listened to me with so much empathy and understanding of what I was going through, and sounded so completely confident in me and the vision I wished to accomplish that I quickly decided that if I was ever going to change my life, then I couldn’t NOT work with her. 

What happened in those next few months felt nothing short of magic to me.

At first, my saboteurs went nuts. They protested and whined, telling me that this whole notion of becoming a coach and creating my own coaching practice was insane, and a total waste of time and money. After all, they sneered, who did I think I was? 

My coach taught me how to spot them as they kept popping up in our conversations, asking me again and again, “is that a saboteur voice I’m hearing?” By interrupting my train of negative thought to help me see that one of my saboteurs was driving, was enough to break the trance I was in. I started to be able to separate ME from my THOUGHTS, and to even have compassion for these scared (and sometimes scary) parts of me that were really only trying to keep me safe.

This was a breakthrough for me. I felt free. 

But learning how to stop listening to my saboteurs was only the first step towards the real magic of coaching - meeting what I call my Inner Coach.

Through a combination of visualizations, having my core values reflected back to me, and watching my coach model for me what it felt like to have someone believe in me so completely and enthusiastically, I was introduced to the part of my psyche that was unconditionally accepting and supportive. This was the part of me that I could rely on to help me combat any life setback, or saboteur attack that came my way.

With each session, I strengthened my self-trust and began to see myself the way she saw me - a strong, capable person who deserved to live a fulfilling life. With time and practice, my self talk became kinder, more compassionate, and appreciative of the progress I was making. My saboteur voices will always be with me, but they no longer tyrannize my experience.

By strengthening my relationship with my Inner Coach, I simultaneously healed old negative beliefs and rewired my brain to become more resilient and confident. It was HARD WORK. But it was also the best investment of time and money I have ever made.

Coaching is personal training for your mental and emotional health. And like any good trainer, I coach to get fired. When I work with you, my goal is to help you build up so much emotional and mental strength that you no longer need me. Because at the end of the day, my purpose is to remind you that your own personal Inner Coach has been waiting for you all along.
